Build cohesion in your remote team

A tool to unite your team and elevate performance.

Launching July.

Champion your remote-work culture

When people thrive, business thrives.

Harmonic creates a vibrant and engaging work environment where everyone can do their best work.

Discover Harmonic >

Team culture drives peak performance

When every instrument is in tune, the orchestra plays in harmony. Our approach elevates each individual on your team to do their best work and hit their stride.

Stop the noise, start the music.

Engage and energise your people

When your people are seen, heard and understood, they find purpose in their work. We identify areas where your people feel most aligned to their working style, goals and purpose.

Say goodbye to yoyo'ing engagement levels.

Your individual differences are a superpower

As a team, each of you brings unique skills and collaboration styles. We uncover these differences and give you practical insights to unleash your team's full potential.

Harness diversity and build an inclusive culture.

Fine-tune your leadership style

Our AI Manager Coach helps you build strong dynamics with your people and navigate difficult conversations. Ask any question about an employee and get answers that leverage their workstyles, interests and values.

Turn tough topics into simple, meaningful conversations.

How does it work?

Our approach is simple, and fun.

Your employees create a playbook to share their workstyle, interests and values. It's a holistic approach to truly understanding your people. From there, the whole team gets insights about each other that spark meaningful connection and team belonging.

We also have a suite of savvy manager features to help you get your team aligned and working together.

So, what's in a Playbook?

A playbook is a collection of insights about an employee's preferred way of working and who they are as a person.

Playbooks are a great way to get a run-down on the people you're working with so you can work with them from a more human perspective.

  • Includes 15 workstyle insight areas
  • Scenario-based examples
  • Interests and values

Why use Harmonic?

A human-centric approach to engaging teams

Build connection in remote teams

Immerse your teams in a new way of working. Our tools spark meaningful connection between coworkers, no matter the distance. Strengthen collaboration and reduce isolation in distributed teams.

Improve relational intelligence

The most successful teams aren't just a collection of talented individuals; they understand how to work together. Our insights deliver personalised tips to build trust and embrace candid conversations at work.

Welcome new hires, real fast

Transform new hires into instant team members. Our Guidebooks ensure new hires feel connected from day 1. Also super handy for new managers to rapidly understand their new team - from a human perspective.

People focused, outcome driven.

Ready to build a team that's not just good, but truly exceptional?

Our platform isn't just about fixing problems of disconnection and disengagement, it's about unlocking the full potential that's within your team. We help you foster a culture of trust and open communication so you can build a culture where everyone feels valued, empowered and excited to contribute their best.

Get a demo

Drop us your details and we'll create a personalised demo of Harmonic in action.

What you'll get in the demo:

  • The science behind our approach
  • Personalised tour (tailored to your team size and needs)
  • Use cases and success stories
  • Answers to our top 5 FAQs
  • Experience the value firsthand before making a decision

Drop your details in the form below and we'll be in touch.

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